Home             Giulio

Curriculm Vitae

Giulio Secondo

Born Genova,Italy, November 4, 1962
Office Phone +39-02-9034 7748 (Mobile: +39-335-1239803)
E-mail giulio@isecondo.eu

ABB S.p.A. - Line S (Servomotors) -Viale dell’Industria, 18, 20010 Vittuone (MI), ITALY

Position R&D Manager


Curriculum studi

1989-92 - PhD

Electrical Engineering,University of Genova

Thesis: "Theory and implementation of a system for the tridimensional electromagnetic analysis of eddy current problems, using the A-V/A-F formulation." (Ref. Prof. P. Girdinio)
1/6/89 - Degree

Electrical Engineering, University of Genova

Vote: 104/110; thesis: "Optimisation and development of procedures for the calculation of integral quantities based on magnetic field in tridimensional conductor systems, using analytical formulas” (Ref. Prof. P. Molfino).
1981 - Diploma Classical Studies, Liceo Classico Statale "C. Colombo", Genova.


Working Experiences

Feb 2001 - now

ABB S.p.A.–Line S (Servomotors) [Formerly: ABB Sace S.p.A.-Line S; ABB Servomotors S.r.l.]

R&D Manager

Leader of the R&D Department, coordination of a 8 people team for the development of Servomotors and Servoconverters (new series of innovative brushless Servomotors, “9C Series”, and new series of Asynchronous Servomotors, “HDP Series”)
Feb 93 - Jan 01

ABB Ricerca S.p.A. (ABB Corporate Research)

Corporate Research Senior Scientist in Electrical Machines, Project Leader.

Ultra High Speed motors, Large Low Speed motors, new concepts for Electrical Machines; study of short circuit strength in power transformers; innovative electromagnetic actuators; acoustic measurements and modal analysis of electrical devices; Electrical and Magnetic Finite Element Analysis in 2D/3D, static or transient
Sep 91 - Dec 92 ISI Impianti (Genova). Consultant, Computerised Electric Power Plant Simulators
Apr - Jun 1991 Vector Fields Ltd. ( Oxford, UK ). Consultant, as part of PhD study
University - Phd Consulting on electromagnetics for Italian Companies (e.g. Ansaldo, Ilva, Laben)


Strengths and skills


Project Management and leadership, Rational capability, Commitment and Relational attitudes


Good written, spoken, technical English


Electrical machine design and manufacturing


Numerical methods in 3D electromagnetics and mechanics (Ansys Inc., Ansoft Corp., Vector Fields Ltd., FEGS Ltd., ABB Corporate Research)


CAD design (SolidEdge)


Some attended courses, workshops and conferences

Gestione dei collaboratori - Edizione 3 Sesto San Giovanni, Milan, Italy; October, 1-3, 2008 - Organized by Fondazione Istud
ABB Feed and Coach program Milan , 2002 - employees feedback on management attitudes
ABB International Business Unit Program 27

Zurich, May 31 – June 04, 1999; December 6-10, 1999; May 24-25, 2000; organized by ABB

Scope of the program as stated by ABB: “The BUP contributes to build up the international manager of tomorrow; it is designed to help managers with local experience on their way from functional to more general and from local to more global management”

Invited Lecturer at the University of Genoa, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, for the course “Automatic design of electric and magnetic design” ( Genoa , May 2000)

Original title: Progettazione automatica di dispositivi elettrici e magnetici

Communication and Leadership: methods and techniques for the improvement of internal relationships (Sesto San Giovanni, January 24-25, 2000, organized by “Il Sole 24 Ore”)

Original title: Comunicazione e leadership: metodi e tecniche per il miglioramento dei rapporti interni

Project Management Seminar (Sesto San Giovanni, October 1-3 1997, organized by GAF for ABB)
Invited professor “Introduction to the computer aided electromagnetic analysis (Milano, 95-96-97; organised by CILEA)

Original title: Introduzione all'analisi elettromagnetica tramite elaboratore

Active Noise Cancellation & Vibration Control Workshop Belgirate, Lago Maggiore, September 18, 1995; organised by ABB; most creative participant award obtained
Permanent Magnet Machines design and applications Sheffield, UK, 28/6/95; Sheffield Centre for Magnetic Materials and Devices
Meeting Management Course Milano, April 5-6, 1995; for ABB employees; organised by Mida
Acoustic Intensity and Sound Power Milano, March 15, 1995; organised by Bruel & Kjaer
NdFeB 95 San Diego, CA, February 1995; organised by Gorham Intertech Consulting
Effective Presentation Belgirate, Lago Maggiore, April 27-29, 1993; organised by GAF for ABB
Elektra Training Course Oxford, UK, May 1991; organised by Vector Fields Ltd.


Scientific papers

1 G. Drago, M. Repetto, G. Secondo, "Inductances and high accuracy field computation in ironless structures", Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering, James & James, London UK , 5-8, 1990
2 G. Drago, M. Repetto, G. Secondo, "Computation of self and mutual inductances in  ironless structures", Proceeding of the 8-th IASTED International Symposium on Applied Informatics, 19-21 February 1990, Innsbruck, Austria
3 G. Drago, G. Molinari, M. Repetto, G. Secondo, "Optimisation in nonlinear magnetostatic problems", Proceeding of the 4-th International IGTE Symposium and TEAM Workshop, 10-12 October 1990, Graz, Austria
4 P. Barabaschi, G. Drago, P. Girdinio, P. Molfino, M. Repetto, G. Secondo, "A local error 'field based' method for error estimation and adaptive meshing for finite element analysis", Proceeding of the 4-th International IGTE Symposium and TEAM Workshop, 10-12 October 1990, Graz, Austria
5 G. Drago, M. Repetto, G. Secondo, J. Simkin, "A code for inductance computations in ironless structures", Proceeding of the 4-th International IGTE Symposium and TEAM Workshop, 10-12 October 1990, Graz, Austria
6 G. Drago, A. Manella, P. Molfino, M. Repetto, G. Secondo: “Analysis and Design of Magnets for Linear and Disk MHD Applications”, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on MHD Superconducting Magnets, pp. 65-74, Bologna ( Italy ), November 13-15, 1991
7 G. Drago, G. Lia, P. Molfino, I. Montanari, M. Repetto, P. Ribani, G. Secondo: “Design of Superconducting MHD Saddle Magnets”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 28, n. 1, pp. 450-453, january, 199
8 G. Drago, A. Manella, M. Nervi, M. Repetto, G. Secondo, "A combined strategy for optimization in nonlinear magnetic problems using simulated annealing and search techniques", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, March 1992, Vol. 28, n. 2, pag. 1542-1544
9 P. Fernandes, P. Girdinio, M. Repetto, G. Secondo, "Refinement strategies in adaptive meshing", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, March 1992, Vol. 28, n. 2, pag. 1739-1742
10 Drago, G., Fernandes, P., Girdinio, P., Molfino, P., Nervi, M., Orlando, R., Sabbi, G., Secondo, G., “A gauged A,V-A-? formulation without A.n=0 on conductor boundaries”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 30, n. 5, 2976-2979, September, 1994
11 G. Secondo, "Industrial and special drives: trends and applications" Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Properties and Applications of Magnetic Materials, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA - May 11-13, 1998, Sponsored by IEEE Magnetics Society
12 F. Boattini, R. Galli, A. Monti, G. Secondo, "Integrated design methodology for electrical drives: a marine application experience", Proceedings of the 24th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - IECON 98, Aachen, Germany; August 31 - September 4, 1998, Vol 2, pp 591-595
13 C. Bertolini, C. Gemme, G. Secondo "Accurate electromechanical representation of a permanent magnet linear actuator using 3D finite element analysis", EMD99 - Canterbury, 1-4/9 99, IEE Electrical Machines and Drives Conference
14 D. Colombo, A. Monti, G. Secondo "Mixed mode APPROACH TO SYSTEM MODELLING IN HIGH PERFORMANCE DRIVE DESIGN", EMD99 - Canterbury, 1-4/9 99, IEE Electrical Machines and Drives Conference.
15 P. Alotto, S. DeMarchi, G. Secondo "Advanced modelling techniques for the design of an  innovative asynchronous motor", EMD99 - Canterbury , 1-4/9 99, IEE Electrical Machines and Drives Conference
16 D. Colombo, A. Monti, G. Secondo, “COMPARING DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO ELECTRICAL MACHINE MODELLING: A BRUSHLESS MOTOR EXAMPLE”, IMACS 99- Electrimacs 99, September 14-16, 1999, Lisbona, Portugal, organized by Insituto Superior Tecnico Lisbona


Patent applications


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